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Product information
If you choose powertape fencing, then a broad tape is best suited for horses, so that they can see the fence well.
Highly visible and superconducting by up to 18 thick stainless steel conductors 0.30 mm. The tape is therefore also much stronger and more durable! Including thick reinforcing edges.
PEL is thee only manufacturer that makes high quality tape to 6 cm! Despite the special weave and the open structure of the PEL Power Tape it captures more wind than for instance string. As a result, you will need between posts up to 4 metres maximum and at least 1/3 of the post-length in the ground. To keep the tape well drawn tight we advise to use a power corner insulator with rubber on every 5th post.
This product can be ordered in
- Netherlands
- Germany
- Belgium
This product is not always in stock.
Collection is possible, please make a collection appointment for at least 1 working week after your order date.